2016 review – photography, video and promotion

2016 review

2016 has been a hectic year for GigshotZ - 8 festivals, 22 new bands that wanted live coverage. we produced 56 live performance videos - more than one a week!
All of our live event music videos have had a different look and feel - after all it's about what the bands want - so this is just a selection of different styles.

What has been interesting is the rise of sub 30 second videos - it seems that the impact of social media is that longer videos are no longer viewed with enthusiasm that they once were, and we are now required to do 10 second teasers, 30 second excerpts and 1 minute mini-videos to support the full length versions.

As usual, we videoed Marlow Rock Bottom. This was a promo video designed to increase ticket sales of the 2017 event. The bands loved their live event music videos and photography, with many of them using them as prime promotional pieces for many months afterwards.

Pennfest is always great fun, here's an afterparty in one of the tents. Again this is being used to promote the 2017 events. As the acts were all very different we employed very different styles and techniques in the live event music videos

Lots of bands asked us to video their performances. Here's 2 using our standard 14 camera, multi-cam setup.
This live event music video was shot in South Street arts centre in Reading which has great sound and lights that we were fully able to use by taking sound feeds from the mixing desk and adding that to a more ambient sound from our recording equipment

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