People at BABB3

Butcher’s Arms Big Bash 3 – videos

Butcher's Arms Big Bash 3
Butcher's Arms Big Bash 3 - an eagerly anticipated local event
Rob Blues - landlord

The Butcher's Arms Big Bash 3 was the third year that this great local mini-festival was held in Sonning Common. "BABB" as it is affectionately known, is a much anticipated and loved event with a large turnout

As well as being one of the 3 event organisers, GigshotZ were commisioned to provide multiple promotional videos, as well as individual performance videos.

It features 3 bars selling a wide selection of real ales, lager, prosecco, and Pimms - along with all the use spirits and mixers being delivered with love in the main bars inside the pub.

They also have a great selection of food ranging from yummy roast hog, fish and chips, vegan and vegetarian meals and snacks, and kids entertainment

But the main focus is music
With 2 tents running all day from mid-day to mid-night, whatever style of music you like is fully represented

Above all, the Butcher's Arms Big Bash 3 is a "Local" event, and the organisers wanted to showcase up-and-coming local talent, so this year, the event was kicked off by a section known as "15 minutes of fame" where the young - and not so young - could get experience of playing on a real stage with pro sound to a highly appreciative  audience

Given how daunting that must be, they all did incredibly well

Other write ups on the previous events can be found here and here

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