Music event organisers tell us that all the profit is in the last 5% of ticket sales, and that great event promotion is crucial.

A compelling video can increase audience numbers by 10-15%

It’s crucial to get the best promotional package to optimise those numbers. Here are two examples of live music event promotion video’s done for Marlow Rock bottom, a medium size family friendly festival It was important to show the varied nature of the acts, as well as the fairground rides and attractions for the kids. “Park life” was released around 6 months before the event to support pre-sales tickets. The 2015 review video was released 3 months before to promote the main ticket sales, and the “Battle of the bands” video was used to promote the event to local schools and community groups

Revenue share with event organisers

We can work with live music event organisers to use our videos as a revenue stream. The way it works is simple, the organisers promote the concept of having a video done, and the revenue generated is shared between us and the event organiser. When done well, not only do the festival organisers end up with their own videos free of charge, but also end up with cash in the bank. To make this system work to the best advantage, the agreement between us and the organisers needs to be in place before the bands are contacted

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