The Echo lockdown promotion

Festival Video – Lockdown style – band promotion

Festival video lockdown band promotion
This festival performance video was viewed over 7000 times

I started the year with 17 contracts for festival coverage. There were individual performance videos that had been booked, as well as festival promotion videos.

They all got cancelled

But the bands and the festivals still needed to " Be out there"

So, both the bands and the festivals came up with lockdown performance videos

This post features what we did for a band who wanted to run a promotion video sequence. We named it "Top of The Echo 2" as it was approximately styled around "Top of The Pops -2" where there were multiple linked clips with voice-overs and captions

The treatment that  we went for was to show festival perforformances that had never been seen before, and to show the different personnel changes and styles of music over a 5 year period

It was broadcast on Facebook and YouTube simultaneously, and had an extensive promotion campaign using specially made teasers beforehand

It got over 7000 views and led to the band bering booked for multiple 2021 gigs

The teaser was created using After Effects, and was designed with a square format to give it the highest social media compatibility

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