Kaiser Chiefs Pennfest 2018

Kaiser Chiefs at Pennfest
Kaiser Chiefs at Pennfest

One of the great things about doing my job is that you get to listen to bands that you aren’t a great fan of before you see them

After just a few minutes listening and watching the Kaiser Chiefs at Pennfest – I became a fan!

They were visually exciting, tight and the songs were both catchy and well rehearsed.
And they had the ability to get the whole audience singing along, dancing and generally having a great time

I did have problems with the weather, however.
It had been raining intermittently all day.The combination of very damp air, and the fine aerosol particles from the pyros created an almost impenetrable fog.
I couldn’t see them clearly, and I was less than 15 ft away. It must have been hell for the audience at the back
The tech crew realised what the fireworks were doing and they stopped using them half way through, which cleared the air very quickly. They left all the pyros that should have been used to the last number.
That was spectacular!, and the fog that formed was OK.
Because they were the headline act, so it didn’t matter that you couldn’t see the stage after they had finished.

The Pennfest people loved it, and regardless of the rubbish weather, this act made for an end to a great day

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