This really kept our festival fresh in people's minds
I started the year with 17 contracts for festival coverage. These included individual performance videos shot as live performance videos, or as band interviews after their performances, as well as full event promotion videos for the festivals themselves
They all got cancelled
But, the bands and the festivals still needed to " Be out there"
So, both the bands and the festivals asked us to support them with lockdown performance videos. The format of "band in their 3rd bedroom" had already become stale, so we needed to find another format
This post features the Lockdown festival video production that we did for a festival - Wokingham Festival -that wanted to keep their name in their attendees mind
The treatment that we created was to show festival perforformances that had never been seen before, and so new videos were created from existing footage
It was broadcast on Facebook and YouTube simultaneously, and had an extensive promotion campaign using specially made teasers beforehand
It got over 3500 views and led to the interest in the festival being maintained
We also created other forms of Lockdown festival video production, some examples of which can be found here and here