Lockdown – Live Performance Videos

Lockdown performance videos
Stay in your fans minds

Keeping yourself in your fan's mind when all festivals, clubs and even pubs don't allow live performances is difficult

The concept of the multi-location "Home performances" never really worked - the technology made them difficult - and put bluntly, nearly all of them were,  at best, amateurish, and  boring

So, we came up with a different way for bands to keep contact with their fans - Lockdown live performance videos

The first one that we did was for The Echo

We hired a large barn as a performance space,  and set the band up "In the round" so that they could maintain social distancing and shot some live performance videos.
But, we were worried about them being boring as well - so we had to come up with innovative "treatments"

The formula for these lockdown we came up with for these lockdown live performance videos was

  • Make them live performance videos that the fans had never seen before i.e. they were new tracks
  • Make each video visually very different
  • Encourage the fans to vote on which tracks should be included in the live perfomance sets when lockdown finished

The result was a highly successful set of live performance videos that were engaging (Lots of votes, shares, and comments) and kept the band in their fans minds.
Other  Lockdown performance videos that we have created are here and here

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