
Rokefest 2019

Rokefest 2019 - a great local celebration with fantastic people, music food and drink

Rokefest is a lovely local, well-attended mini-festival.

I’ve noticed a strong trend over the last 10 years to localise festivals and music events. In the same way that traditional restaurants are having a hard time, and are being replaced by “pop-up” eateries, traditional venues are closing, but are being replaced by “Pop-up” , short term events

The reason for this seems to be multi-faceted, but amongst the reasons are that a large amount of energy, focus and resource is put into a short term event, rather than trying to keep a venue churning through acts on a weekly basis with limited investment in sound/lighting/food and drink

A good example of this new style of event is Rokefest. Roke is a tiny village, but once a year, its pub, the Home Sweet Home hosts a 2 1/2 day festival

It is very well attended, and has some outstanding food, music and drinks

We were very pleased to be asked to document it. Unfortunately, we were affected by the newly announced GDPR regulations. Because we hadn't put up a sign saying "You will be videoed for publicity purposes beforehand, we were unable to include people clips in the final video. 
We;ve learnt from that and now have a standard poster clearly displayed, which no one has ever complained about, and, in fact people really like being ijn the final video, and people reaction shots are now a key part of any video that we do.

An example of this can be found here

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