Reading hydro project - fish pass

Volunteers at Reading Hydro

We are very pleased with progress, and the major issues have been overcome Nigel Paterson – Project ManagerVolunteering at the Reading Hydro Project The Reading Hydro green electricity project has made great progress, and that is, in large part, down to the activies of the many volunteers Some of them have specialist skills, some come along to help in any …

Reading Hydro project update 2021

Reading Hydro update – March 2021

We are very pleased with progress, and the major issues have been overcome Nigel Paterson – Project ManagerReading Hydro Update – March 2021 The Reading Hydro green electricity project has made great progress. However, it had encountered various issues. Therefore,  we were asked to create a number of update videos that would explain what had happened, and what the triumphs …

Reading Hydro CBS promotion video

Reading Hydro CBS share offer

Using the power of The Thames to create green electricity for the benefit of the community is a win-win for everyoneAndy Tunstall – Reading Hydro Director Reading Hydro CBS was created specifically to  create green electricity for the benefit of the local community The concept of turning the energy of water tumbling over a weir into electricity isn’t new. The …

Reading Hydro CBS

Green Energy that benefits the communityReading Hydro CBS asked us to create a series of promotional videos in support of their share offer I’ve lived in Reading for most of my life, and one of the sights that has remained pretty much unchanged during that time has been the weir in Caversham To one side is the lock which enables …